For years I watched your typical pre-recorded studio porn. I had no idea there were any other options. I’d never heard of webcams. I must’ve been living under a rock because apparently these aren’t anything new. I overheard a group of guys talking one day at work about webcams and decided I’d check them out for myself. First of all, I had no clue there were so many sites that catered to them.
I wanted the best real amateur sex cams and that’s just what I got. It completely blew my mind that you can log in any time of day or night and find couples from all around the world that are just waiting for an audience for their most intimate moments. You can even chat with them and tell them what you’d like them to do. I’m a huge fan of the Cam 2 Cam feature that allows the performers to see you at the same time. Watching me stroke my cock seems to add to the excitement for them and I know it drives me wild.